The best holidays of my life were in the summer of the 2011. This year I traveled to Brazilian southern state of Santa Catarina with my friends Isabel, Pilar and Camila.
When we arrived to Camboriú we took a taxi to reach the Pires hotel. The taxi driver has been so nice with us, and recomended a lot of beautifull and amazings places.
The fisrt place we went was the "Cataratas de Iguazú", to acces to them, we sholud pay fourty dolars more or less.
The second place we went, was the beautifull beach, during the day we ate corn and drank juice of coconut, but in the night, the beach is so differet. There drink "Caipirinha" a tipicall brazilian cocktail, and see there a group of samba.
The third place we went was the "Florianópolis city". This is a excusive place, with exclusives shops, and constructions.
Other places to we went was the cofeehouse, there drunk a delicious coffe and a disctinctive cheese bread, also we talked with handsome brazilians boys.
This holidays were the best of my life, I felt so happy with my friends! Today save my money for a new travel with a beautifull friends
Camboriú Florianópolis