viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012


Hi guys, today I’m going to talk you a different topic. Te question is the next:


Being careful and loving with the place where we live is primary. For this reason is so necessary make a little thing in everyday life.
Really I’m not very green, but attempt to do little things to care my home, the earth.
For example in my home:
-We recycle all the glass bottles
-We recycle all the tetra pack boxes
-We recycle all the organic garbage
-We recycle all the plastic bottles
- We recycle all the things made with paper (newspaper, magazines, catalogs, photocopies, etc.)

And when we go to the supermarket my family prefers to buy things with recycled packaging or things with glass packaging.
But this six things is just a little help if we considerate all the things that we can to do. For example is a good idea:
-Do not use a car every day, or every time when we go to any place.
-Take a little shower
-Do not use a lot of chemical implements (detergents for clothes, for washing dishes, shampoos, lotions, etc)
-Do not a lot of electrical energy
-Search other energies (solar energy, wind power, etc.)
If you want to know what else you could do for the planet care, I invite to you to visit this site:  and and answer the questions that appear there, and discover how green you are!!

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012


I love the movies

Today I’m going to talk you about movies.  I love watching movies, I feel great watching movies. Every month I need watch at least two movie, the type is variable according my  mood.
Everytime when decide watch a movie, I need to  watch two movies.
In general I don’t go to the cinema frequently, because my sister downloading movies for all my family and because the cinema is  so expensive (and the downloading free).
The first time when I went to the cinema I don't remember who movie I saw, but my first memory in the cinema is when I saw the lion king. This day I went to de cinema when my sister, two cousins, and my aunt  Alejandra, I guess I remember that day  because my aunt Alejandra cried throughout all the film.
The movie I've cried over is the Last Station (2009) , based  in the final months of Leo Tolstoy. The movie director is Michael Hoffman, and the main actors are   Christopher Plummer (as Tolstoy) and Helen Mirren (as his wife Sophia Tolstaya).  Mirren won the Best Actress award at the 2009 Rome International Film Festival for her performance, but the movie don’t’ won any award
I love this movie because represent so good the greed and human misery even in unexpected situations. Representing through Tolstoy's life an actual social conflict.
This movie is not very famous, but I think it is a good idea to see it.


viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

The guardian is a British  national  daily newspaper  founded in 1821 by cotton merchant John Edward Taylor  in January 2012 it is the second most popular UK newspaper website and in April 2011 MediaWeek reported that it is the fifth most popular newspaper site in the world. Today I’m going to share with you interesting news published today in the

The headline says: GCSE scandal: 45,000 pupils to resist English exams
The GCSE (General certificate of secondary education)   is an academic qualification awarded in a specified subject, generally taken in a number of subjects by students aged 14, 15 and 16 in secondary education in England, the qualifications obtained in this test indicate if the student goes to the next grade. Today this institution today this institution is questioned and accused of fraud, because a lot of student fail the test.

The big problem is that, GCSE blames to the teachers, but the teachers blames to the qualification system.

I consider so necessary to change the evaluation system, standardized tests are clearly not effective and give room for many errors
From this news I think that, one thing is obviously,  the qualification systems are wrong , not only in united kingdom , not only in Europe, America, or Asia…in all the world, is not necessary wait for global errors  in this system, is time to change this system!